
What even is this blog?

Where to start. I like researching. I like food. I like trying to eat healthy in a family that is inherently meat-lovin' dairy-lovin' and not-Destiny-friendly. This makes eating healthy a challenge, for a long time my diet largely consisted of noodles (my fav, and still my fav) and, when I worked at the chain specializing in them, take-and-bake pizzas. I like trying new things within reason, and trying new recipes also within reason. Thus, the need for quick easy nutritious food came. Here I will demo the (unfortunately for me) unsponsored vegan or at least somewhat healthy food that you can find in places near you. Disclaimer, I am a young person living in the Midwestern United States. While I will for the most part be shopping at local Super Targets and a Trader Joes, some things are available only regionally so I won't be able to try and review things that you have access to. Hopefully you live on the East or West coast, where there are many more places, but I am limited and my reviews will reflect that.
So. You want good food but without the hassle? I'll continuously try meat-like replacements and dairy-product replacements, I already have a few favorites so I won't explore those areas (aka vegan eggnog, vegan ice cream (but i'm always willing to try more jsyk), vegan cream cheese, and milk replacement) as much, but if I get enough requests I will definitely try more things in the name of science.
How will I review things?
/Well, obviously how it compares to the main product if it is intended as a replacement. For that I, the open minded hippy of my family, personally will try it and give my take, and for the best of the best I will try my best to force my very much meat-and-dairy-and-junk-food-loving-family to try it and give you their takes. What I'd use in that case is my picky-Mom-approved, skeptic-brother-approved, and skeptic-stepdad-approved stamps of approval. If a product has these, there is no doubt that the product can hold up to its counterpart. I'll re-explain what each stamp of approval means during the post, continuity ftw.
Why the bluntness? /Because I want delicious food and I don't want to spend a bunch of money doing that. If I keep track of my bidness here, I selfishly have a reference I can retrace. If I get any followers, comments can definitely help me learn more about whatever.
What I'll also do is restaurant evals. A lot of mainstream places can be vegan if you do research, but gosh darn why does it take so long to see the nutrition? Ugh. I'll also give you cooking tips on Papa Murphy's pizzas because those can taste so dang good if you know how to cook 'em right.
First post, I'm hoping to get this blog far enough that I don't run out of ideas. Idk how to format anything either. What even is life.

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